Bottled In China

China’s Growing Oyster Obsession with Rudy Guo, Executive Director of Oysterliscious



Today we sit down with Rudy Guo, Executive Director of Oysterliscious Group in Shanghai. We discuss his journey in the F&B industry and the growing obsession of oysters in Asia. Based in Shanghai for over eleven years, Rudy Guo shares with us how a simple fast food from Qing Dynasty now fetches hundreds of RMB for his top oyster. Today, we discuss how oysters are traditionally consumed  in China. We also discover hi favorite wine and beer oyster pairings. Make sure to check out his restaurants if you’re in town! C Pearl Shanghai:Wechat: cpearlshanghaiPhone: 021-50391597Century Link Mall, 5/F, Room 008, near Weifang Lu世纪大道1192号世纪汇广场5楼008室, 近潍坊路C Pearl Beijing:Wechat: cpearlbeijing55Phone: 010-57245886Yanshaqiao, Xinyuan Jie, Shunyuanli, Bldg 14, Room 14-2, near Xinyuan Nan Lu, Beijing, China,+86 010 5724 5886中国北京, 燕莎桥新源街顺源里14号楼14-2号, 近新源南路Osteria:Wechat: osteriaoysterPhone 联系电话: 02162568998226 Jinxian Lu, near Shaanxi Nan Lu, Shanghai, China中国上海, 进贤路226号, 近陕西南路Plump Oyster:Wechat: ThePlumpOysterBarPhone 联系