Moneyball Medicine

Tom Davenport on the Analytics Gap in Healthcare



Tom Davenport knows analytics, big data, and AI—he teaches executive courses on the subject at Babson College, Harvard Business School, the Harvard School of Public Health, and the MIT Sloan School of Management, and is widely known for his books on analytics and AI in business, Competing on Analytics (2007), Only Humans Need Apply (2016), and The AI Advantage (2018).Davenport notes that a number of life science startups are attempting to use machine learning, big data, and AI to reinvent drug discovery (a subject thoroughly covered in previous episodes of MoneyBall Medicine). But in other areas, progress has barely begun. A few startups are trying to bring machine learning into the world of providers and payers, to offer insight-based recommendations about care gaps and treatment. And a few researchers are studying the use of deep learning for pattern recognition in radiology and pathology imaging. But substantive advances are years away.On the clinical side, Davenport says, "The biggest changes are in the i