Moneyball Medicine

Illumina's Phil Febbo on Sequencing, Coronavirus and Viral Outbreaks



Rapid sequencing of viral genomes is giving physicians and epidemiologists new ways to identify, track, and potentially slow outbreaks of viral infections such as the novel Wuhan coronavirus. That means high-throughput genome sequencing—which had predominantly been a research tool—is taking its place as a front-line weapon in the fight to prevent pandemics, says Febbo, a medical oncologist. "Last year, 40 percent of our consumables in sequencing were for clinical testing, and we see the clinical testing increasing at a pace that's faster than research testing," he says.Whole-genome viral sequencing, as a supplement to more traditional PCR-based testing for RNA sequences, can not only reveal exactly which virus is afflicting a given patient, but can reveal where a virus originated and how it is evolving to evade vaccines or other interventions.  "The fact that the WHO heard of the first cases [of the Wuhan coronavirus] at the end of December, and the New England Journal published the full genome on January 24,