
Berdialog Bab. 2 : Be yourself VS Don't ever be yourself



Summary from my conversation with  Ms. Kidung Sekaringtias (Tias) and  Ms. Dwi Kartika Sari (Deedee), an XLFL Program Leader, A Motivational Coach and Youth Empowerment Enthusiast. So glad that I have a chance to had dinner and talked to her unplannedly. It could never happen without Tias, so, thank you! <3 Wish we could meet again in another chance. Topik Bab. 2 ini mengenai makna be yourself dan bagaimana implementasinya; be yourself in public, social media, in front of your family or friends, or to someone you really trust.   Semoga ada yang bisa diambil dari berdialog kali ini ya teman-teman! - Deszlaria