Becky Talks Parks: Parks & Recreation Podcast For Passionate Professionals

2.6 Finding New Opportunities in Old Ideas with Anthony Iracki



This time in history looks different for many of us. For some, it may be time to slow down, pause, and reflect on where you've been and where you want to go. For others, it may be the right time to step into a new idea, a new reality - one that matches with your dreams and career vision. For those of us who are embarking on a new phase, you may be faced with bringing up a new idea or innovation to your team or your boss. You may be afraid of hearing "We've tried that before." The truth is, during this pandemic, and amidst a great unlearning of social  nothing has been done before that doesn't deserve a second chance. You can read the full version of the podcast in this email, but if you'd prefer to listen to the audio instead, you can do that here: In this article, Anthony Iracki dives into this topic and discusses why now is the time to rethink the way it's always been done. --- Send in a voice message: