Let's Talk Marketing With Denise Fay

Follow Up and Sales Success | Episode 20



Timid salespeople have skinny kids so said Zig Ziglar. Sales is not just about the Ask, it’s about the Follow up. An area where business owners leave cash on the table! As we are well into September, the last quarter is fast approaching and I want you to start bringing in the cash so you can Finish Strong for 2020. It starts now. #itsnownotwhen I talk about a mindset switch which will make follow up so much easier. When you own your own message, when you share your YOU Factor with the world, follow up just gets easier. In this podcast, I talk about Follow up and it’s importance. I share with you - The 3 Ps to Follow up 3 Ways to Start Adding Soft Follow up in your Process A lesson about Follow up that staring you in the face but you may even be aware of it If you spend so much time working on your marketing, make time for Follow up. It’s right there in front of you. Then come join the conversation - head over to the Lets Talk Marketing Community, our free, private group on FB. Or chat with me on socia