Re-play Radio

Re-Play Radio Episode 24: Donkey Kong Redemption



Starting the new year off right, the boys get a fresh episode of Re-Play Radio up on time. Don't get your hopes up, though, resolutions are made to be broken. In this episode, Bryan and Steve talk about Cthulu Saves the World, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Poker Night at the Inventory, Picross 3D, Valkyria Chronicles 2, and more in What Else. Then it's time to throw down with some dot matrix monkey fighting with Donkey Kong for Gameboy. Bryan uses the Re-Play Rant to complain about publishers failing to offer competitive digital pricing, the greedy so-and-sos.Finally, stick around for our first ever spoiler-filled supplemental section with talk of Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare. Hey! Listen!