Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

The ROI of Business Ethics with Yonason Goldson



This week’s special guest is Yonason Goldson, expert in ethical leadership, TEDx speaker, and consultant. He joins Tom Fox to discuss why ethics matters, as well as five important lessons the COVID-19 pandemic is teaching us. Trust - the Key to Business Success Yonason shares a story that illustrates how one moment of disrespect can destroy trust between an employer and an employee. He explains, “When you create a culture of trust, that generates loyalty, it generates passion, it generates productivity... The employees are engaged and want to give their all... And so they're looking for opportunities to prove themselves by doing the best they can. And you have a company culture that thrives, it's vibrant, it’s exciting. People want to come to work, and success is a foregone conclusion.” How Alcoa’s market value increased by 900% because of Paul O'Neill’s ethical leadership is a testament to the value of building a culture of trust, he says. He then talks about the huge cost of worker disengagement and points