Street Writers

Street Writers - Chris Roy Pt. 1



We’ve never had it more real on Street Writers than in Part 1 of our interview with writer and PR literary agent Chris Roy. He is all in as he relates how he has found himself in a Mississippi prison for the last 20 years — and how he’s found new and amazing qualities about himself as a person through is boxing and writing. In Part 1 of this amazing 3 part series, Chris “Takes A Swing At This” with great advice on avoiding writing distractions. Check out his writing on Amazon ( and his PR services via Facebook ( Be aware: connecting with Chris by phone means this recording has some audio issues. Work through it in your listen, it is so worth it. Digging what your earbuds are delivering, writers? Leave us a review and subscribe! And invite new writers and writing fans to join in: Questions, comments, whatever you got, send 'em in: Rather talk about it? Record an aud