Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Create The Future You Came For ~ Guest Bill Cael



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show He’s back… Bill and his Bowls. We’ve had so many of you reach out to tell us about the phenomenal experiences you had on last weeks show with Bill and his magical Tibetan bowls. We are bringing him back for a deeper dive into what is possible when you transmute the heavier frequencies into the vibrations that allow you to play in the quantum field of creation! We will be exploring and transmuting the deadly trifecta of shame fear and guilt, the energies that keep us from our birthright of true creation. If you are ready to change up those old yuck energies and step into the potency of the future you know you came to create this show is for you. Join Bill Cael and the dynamic duo live this Wednesday at 10am MST for a change and healing you can tune into again and again. Combining his love of and talent in music with his training in Rapid Eye Technology, Body Electronics and his experience in chiropractic, naturopathy, and psychotherapy, Bill’s approach to sound frequenc