Bonus Footage With Boyder

#7. How to tell great stories through digital media with Colin and Samir.



For anyone telling a story through content, this episode is for you. Listen in iTunes by searching "Bonus Footage Podcast" clicking this link: If you’re making videos for your personal brand, If you’re a creative person and don’t know where to start, if there’s a niche you want to build a media company around, this is for you. Colin Rosenblum and Samir Chaudry make cool videos and tell great stories. Please go look at & to see for yourself. In this episode, we talk about how they built and sold The Lacrosse Network, even after they were told by an investment banker that their “videos weren’t even any good” and their platform “will never take off.” Welp, it did. On top of getting The Lacrosse Network acquired, they’ve then went on to create content for New Balance, Nike, Gatorade, Under Armor…and more. We talk about how they used that moment motivation, their mindset on approaching their creative relationship,