Wilde About Wellbeing

Taking Responsibility for Growth - How Self Blame Keeps Us Stuck



I've let myself DWELL on all sorts of things in the past, either [usually, in my case] believing I was totally to blame for something, or seething with resentment that I had been wronged. The reality is that most events sat appropriately in neither of those camps. But that doesn't matter - in today's episode, I'm sharing how it DOESN'T MATTER who is to blame for an event! What matters is taking responsibility for YOUR [re]actions... If you're anything like me, I can replay events for YEARS afterwards - and what good does that serve? I go deeper down the spiral of feeling impotent / self-blaming / angry. The only person I'm punishing? Myself. Anyone else involved will likely have long forgotten what happened.  I've been reading an excellent book on this - Kain Ramsay's 'Responsibility Rebellion' - and it's made me think A LOT about how we all shun responsibility sometimes...  Today's podcast will enlighten you as to why it SUCKS to always be stuck in a position of refusing to take responsibility, and I show yo