Just Kickin' It Pod

Physical Preparation following a pandemic



I had a conversation with Dr. Mike Young the founder and owner of the premier sport science research & training facility Athletic Lab, located in North Carolina. Dr. Young is a world-renowned physical preparation coach working with various sports. He currently works with the North Carolina Courage, in the women's professional soccer league. In this episode, Dr. Young and I spoke about principles revolving around returning to soccer after a pandemic. Dr. Young was getting ready to leave for the women's Challenge Cup which was the first live sporting event returning to full play in the United States.  Topics of discussion in this episode circle around: Things coaches and players should consider that need maintained during a moratorium.  Handling the communication with athletes, virtually. Periodized workouts when returning. Lower extremity considerations that may be sensitive to injury if not addressed when returning. Also, Dr. Young speaks about how the Courage weekly microcycle that sparks so thought.