Soul Healing With Traci Trimble, Phd

Your Authentic Self ~ Traci Trimble, PhD



Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD Radio Show For some reason we have come to believe that we are responsible for carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. We unconsciously accept the rules and beliefs that others have created, which in turn leaves no room for our own beliefs to flourish. Join Traci Trimble, PhD as she reveals, for the first time ever, how she channels the contract that you have signed with Source to come here as a Spiritual Being to have a human experience. It is time to (re) Discover Your Authentic Self! ~ More About Soul Healing with Traci Trimble, PhD ~  Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? In energy medicine it is believed that depression, anxiety, acute stress and chronic pain are all effects of Soul and Ego in chaos. Did you know that such Spiritual disconnection leads to mental neurosis? This in turn creates emotional turmoil and that is what causes our physical discomfort and/or dysfunction. Imagine that there is truth in this! So again, we ask… Are you sick a