Cottage Garden Party

Episode # 18 - Life Imitating the Garden, Gardening with Friends and Friendship



There was a conversation on the tongue of a few folks about the transparency Mrs. Michelle Obama. She shared on her new podcast feelings of being a bit low. Some would call it depression. To see all of your hard work for good disappear before your eyes. I would be devastated. To take off the cape that many women wear is admirable. It is OK to not be okay...ask for help if needed. I personally admire her ease in being transparent and welcome it in the world we live in today. Would any of us freely admit we were a bit depressed if asked? Probably not. I wrote an open letter to Mrs. Obama, sharing how the garden imitates life. Sometimes gardening conversations help us figure things out. Especially when you garden with friends. Here is a link to my blog post: Life Imitates the Garden - Cheer Up Mrs. Obama Speaking of gardening with friends, Peggy Riccio is my collaborative partner on Gardens 'n Plants. We talk about gardens, plants and more. Peggy is truly a friend and a quiet force to be reckoned with. Allow me