The Language Of Nature ~ Madii Kasem

Debut Show!!! The Language of Nature ~ Madii Kasem



WELCOME TO..... Debut Show ~ The Language of Nature with Madii Kasem! Madii has a way with nature that is unique to anyone else and she is now ready to share that with the world. Come play, learn, laugh and tap into all that is nature.  Madii will be sharing her journey to this wonderful world. Nature is always talking, from the tiny crystals in your computer to the tallest trees in your neighborhood. Do you want to know what Nature is saying? Madii Kasem, B.Ed., M.A, is an internationally certified Nature Communicator who is also an Energy Healer, Angel Meditation Instructor, and Radio Show Host. Her passion for Earth’s mysteries led her to study with Canadian trance medium, Tola Haynes, Hawaiian healer-priest, Morrnah Simeona, and British angelologist, Angela McGerr. After raising a family and teaching special education, it happened that a red tail hawk showed up to talk and Madii’s Nature adventures began. Her last human teacher was US based communicator, Maia Kincaid, Ph.D.