The Language Of Nature ~ Madii Kasem

Crystals and other Awakened Stones



Are they conscious? Hear Madii’s communications with the mineral kingdom and receive tips that will help you to heal your phone, computer or other electronic device the next time it is wonky! Madii Kasem, B.Ed., M.A, is an internationally certified Nature Communicator who is also an Energy Healer, Angel Meditation Instructor, and Radio Show Host. Her passion for Earth’s mysteries led her to study with Canadian trance medium, Tola Haynes, Hawaiian healer-priest, Morrnah Simeona, and British angelologist, Angela McGerr. After raising a family and teaching special education, it happened that a red tail hawk showed up to talk and Madii’s Nature adventures began. Her last human teacher was US based communicator, Maia Kincaid, Ph.D.