Islamic Media Podcast

The Glorious Sirah Lesson 15



At Uhud, due to the archers’ deserting their posts, the enemy came behind the Muslims, and the Prophet was separated from his Companions. However, the Prophet as well as several Companions continued their fight. A short time afterwards, Muslims managed to resume control over the battle. However, seventy (70) Companions were killed, one of whom was Hamzah, the Prophet’s uncle. Moreover, the blasphemers disfigured the dead Muslims’ bodies, including cutting off their noses and ears making necklaces of them. Hind, Abu Sufyan's wife, chewed Hamzah’s liver. In the fifth year, three groups of blasphemers formed an alliance to attack Madinah. However, Muslims surprised them with a wide trench that prevented them from entering Madinah. Then, Allah sent a fierce, fearful, and uncompromising wind during a dark, chilling night. The wind hit the Allied Factions, turned over their pots, uprooted their tents, and spread terror among their ranks.