Seducing Beyond Limitations ~ Yuryra Guzman & Rachel Silber

Guia para las niñas malas (the Naughty Girl’s guide to a holly-jolly Christmas & a gloriously Happy New Year)



¿Cuántas veces te han dicho que debes ser una buena niña? Y que Santa Claus solo visita los niños buenos? Si has seguido las reglas para  ser “Buena" y  no eres 100% feliz, quizá es tiempo de dejar de juzgarte y estar dispuesta a ser una niña mala? Si no sabes cómo sería eso, te vamos a compartir las claves para ser una muy buena mala niña…¿te atreverías? ¿Listos para disfrutar de las fiestas? ( How many times were you told that you must be a “good girl”? And that Santa Claus only visits the good little Boys and Girls? If you are following the rules to be “good”  and "nice" and you are not 100% happy, is it time to stop judging you and be willing to be a “bad girl”? If you don’t know what it looks like we will share with you the keys to enjoy being a bad girl… Would you be willing to enjoy the holidays even more? ) The energy of seduction is the invitation that you could step into, that will create your life with ease, elegance and joy beyond any limitation. Join your seductresses, Rachel and Yuryra, for a pl