Big Things Done Podcast

BTD3 - Protect Your Time



Have you ever seen someone who has a lot good things going on in their life? They're really busy, making big things happen - how do they have the time to do that?? They protect their time Here’s a reality check: our culture is sloppy when it comes to spending time wisely. We are taught that it is ok to let our life’s circumstances dictate what we do. We are rewarded for thinking we are “victims” of our career, our friends, or how we're feeling today. The instant entertainment-focused world we live in wants you to spend your time with their content. That's NOT ok! If you are serious about doing something big in your life, you have to abolish this type of thinking. You have to go on the OFFENSIVE and PROTECT your time to use it wisely. In this episode, I walk through a great way to do this, and it centers around building your strategic calendar.