Turning Point - A Gps For Your Success ~ Judith Harrison

No Purpose – Equate More Weight?



As you may have heard from our show last week - Wynne and The Angels - we all have purpose and purpose is a natural energizer. Conversely, not being on purpose we leave us stressed and ultimately, if left to extremes, ill, dying to be real. "Your work in life must be your religion, whatever your occupation may be." This is taken from Bowl of Saki, Oct 19 and the commentary goes on to add that our purpose is to become more living, to allow the soul to live more...let the soul express itself in every aspect and it will surely fulfill the PURPOSE (bold print mine) of life." When we are 'on PURPOSE' we then must set priorities:-) In a Blog written this week by Krista Harrison, she asks also whether your priorities are being defined by negativity or positivity.. She goes on to ask "What have you done today or this week that really reflects who you are and what you love to do? Better yet, do you know what you lobe to do?" www.kristaharrison.com If not for you, then who will be? Is this where we lose the battle of w