Cottage Garden Party

Episode 15 - The garden in the morning, Mrs. Know It All and Mary Oliver



Throwback Thursday reminded me of a book that is no longer available in hard copy (but worth finding in a used book store). Eat Your Roses by Denise Schreiber is a kitchen keeper. Utilizing the things we grow in the garden which we might not consider eating, Denise offers us simple recipes in a small wrapper. St. Lynne's Press puts the best information in small books with some pretty cool authors as well. While this book is no longer in print, it is available as an ebook from Amazon.  You can purchase it here. I call Denise Schreiber a friend, a dear friend at that. We had chat recently filled with laughter and chocked full of information. Please enjoy this conversation from this woman who has had a career in horticulture, is a terrific speaker, instructor, garden communicator, and most importantly, a sincere friend. Another book that is a necessity on my shelves is anything from Mary Oliver. Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver has won many awards.  I encourage you to read and connect with the earth via