Debtwire Radio

Muni Lowdown: PREPA’s puzzling plan



The fiscal plan for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), released by Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) on 29 June, does little to advance the restructuring or to provide useful information about it. The plan’s “debt sustainability analysis”, for instance, accounts for only one-half page of the 89-page document. Debtwire Municipals' Head of Research Greg Clark gives us his take on the fiscal plans. Municipalities that filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protections in the years following the Great Recession tended to see improved public safety outcomes, compared with similarly situated jurisdictions, a trend that could have wider implications for public service delivery under municipal bankruptcy, researchers for St. John’s University and Arizona University said during an online conference. Debtwire Municipals' Chuck Stanley explains the outcomes for us. Yong Lim, the Debtwire Municipals desk editor, is the moderator of the podcast. The Muni Lowdown is a weekly podcas