Coffee Break For Your Soul With Bonnie Gray

12. Lift the Burden of Anxiety and Busy (Guest: Holley Gerth)



We experience anxiety because life gets stressful, but we can create space to let God touch us and refill us, so we can feel His peace. Having space for you to be you is important to God and to your wellbeing.Podcast Guest: Holley Gerth, author of Cheering You On: 50 Reasons Why Anything is Possible with God shares how words can transform us and empower us in our times of anxiety. "God gets to tell me who I am, not any struggle that I go through in life."Scripture: “Come to me all who are weary and burdened…I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Take a 10-minute walk. Learn the benefits of a walk in nature.Links + Resources from This Episode:Scientists discover the best way to boost your mood is a 10-minute walk in nature.  - For links to this study & more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter.Book Giveaway: Win a copy of Holley's new book, Be Courageous: Write in a Way That Scares You a Little.. Enter giveaway here.Holley's Writing Course: Be a Kick-Butt Writer by Friday.