Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 16: Alice hates Percy the Wand Polisher



This week Alice and Billius slide down the wet and slimy hole that is known as Chapter 16: the Chamber of Secrets where they bottom out and get off only to find a long snakeskin of prior recordings. Next week's episode will actually be next week as Alice and Billius have to re-record it. We hope everyone is safe. We released these right away to give you some content during this pandemic. We hope it makes your days lumos and not nox. Unless you like that sort of thing.Help us out at and you get bonus clips from the show (this show having one bonus clip) along with early access. This week we released 11 minutes of footage!We want questions for Books 1 and 2 or any questions for Alice or Billius or the Podcast itself! You can email us at aliceinmugglelandpodcast@gmail.comWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at and on twitter @AinMugglelandPlease like, subscribe, rate, review us on your podcast platforms of choi