Heal Up

MidWeek PickUp July 8



Peace peace!! Allow me to introduce & re-introduce myself, I am Tashi, your Wholistic Alchemist! I am a licensed Esthetician, Herbalist, Womb Practitioner, Spiritual Advisor, Life Coach, Reiki Master, mother, and wife! I specialize in a tailored approach to healing! I am here to provide tools for TOTAL BODY HEALING! I am also here to hold space as a mind|body|soul sanctuary! The tools I offer will allow for you to create you own vibe! I am excited to be a vessel in which I can assist with finding beauty inside to radiate outward! Healed by Tashi, is now a one stop Wholistic Apothecary! Not only will we offer herbal teas and herbs, but we will be adding an array of supplements, bulk herbs, essential oils, and a variety of other tools for Wholistic healing! Offering classes and ambassador opportunities to allow you to be a part of the Healing Tribe and offer these tools to the ones you love! I’m excited to have you all on this journey and look forward to assisting the best I can with your healing journey or