Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 9: Friday 5 With Gin Miller



"Be Compassionate, Be Honest, Be Funny" - Gin Miller To have had the opportunity to sit down with Gin Miller and catch up with her after not spending time in person for several years was such a treat. The minute Gin opened the door to her home it was as though we had seen each other yesterday. She is one of the hardest working, kindest and most authentic fitness icons I know. Here are my five favorite takeaways and self-reflections from this week’s conversation with the inventor of step aerobics and a pioneer in the world of health and fitness Gin Miller Gin talked about the importance of staying grounded: Who or What keeps you grounded? Is there a practice like meditation or deep breathing that you can use to center and ground you? Gin mentioned the importance of human touch – Do you need more daily human touch in your life? Can you give more hugs throughout the day? Gin talked about the importance of Community and being in a Tribe. Who is in your Tribe? Write down the names of the people that you know