Fit For Purpose With Ambrose Wb

Straw Breath Technique



Straw Breath Technique When we are panicked or unconsciously stressed, we tend to take short, shallow gasps of air. The resulting lack of oxygen restricts blood flow and causes muscles to tense. By allowing more air to enter your body, you will slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and break the stress cycle. Explore the following breathing technique: Try imagining a spot just below your navel.  Breathe into that spot, through your nose, and fill your abdomen with air. Let the air fill you from the abdomen up. Then, make your lips as if you were drinking through a straw, and breathe out your mouth, like deflating a balloon. With every long, slow breath out, you will feel more relaxed. Sit up straight. Inhale through your nose with your mouth closed. Exhale fully through pursed lips (as if breathing out a straw) making sure you have exhaled all of the air out of your lungs. Inhale normally, through your nose. Exhale fully out of your mouth (remember to make your lips like a straw)