Finding Sustainability Podcast

045: Finding our niche and the importance of threshold concepts with Phil Loring



In this episode, Michael spoke with Phil Loring. Phil is an associate professor in the geography department at the University of Guelph, as well as the Arrell Chair in Food, Policy and Society at the Arrell Food Institute, also at the University of Guelph. Michael and Phil discussed several projects that Phil is working on, including on upcoming book, Finding Our Niche, the importance of threshold concepts in sustainability studies, and Coastal Routes Radio, a collaborative podcast that Phil is leading along with others in his group. In a future episode of FS, we will speak again with Phil and the rest of the Coast Routes team!Show notes: Phil's website: Twitter handle: @conservechange Phil's paper on thresholds: Coastal Routes radio website: You can find information on Phil's upcoming book here:
