Internet History Podcast

4. (Ch 2.1) Microsoft At The Dawn Of The Internet Era



Summary:Netscape has set the standard and taken the lead. But how long will it last? We take a step backwards in this episode and examine why Microsoft was so dominant at the beginning of the Internet Era. We ask the questions: Did Bill Gates really miss the Internet? And: Was the Information Superhighway and the Internet one and the same thing? And we look back on all the things that were distracting Microsoft at the dawn of the Internet Era.Bibliography: Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft; Bank, David, Free Press, 2007 How the Web Was Won: How Bill Gates and His Internet Idealists Transformed the Microsoft Empire; Andrews, Paul; Broadway, 2000 The New New Thing : A Silicon Valley Story; Lewis, Michael; W.W. Norton & Company, 1999 How America Got On-Line: Politics, Markets, and the Revol