Ask The Industry Podcast

EP40 - Iain Coyle - Comedy Commissioner at Dave / UKTV



Iain Coyle is a British TV presenter, producer and comedian who has worked on TV shows like Big Brother's Big Mouth and Shooting Stars. He is the current comedy commissioner for UKTV and Dave TV.I got him on the podcast to talk about... How to get your idea on TV? (and his email address)What the Dave TV audience likes to watch (and why)Why getting something on TV is not always a good thing.The best / worst show he’s ever worked on.Vital info on TV channels tone of voice.How he champions TV show ideas he likes and the process of getting them made.His thoughts on just doing something and sharing it with the world to find an audience for it before approaching TV channels.The TV channels relationship with Dave's Leicester Comedy FestivalAND MORE! This podcast would be useful to anyone who is interested in writing for TV, the best way of contacting a channel or the process that happens behind the scenes in producing shows for television.  You can stream the podcast here (with show notes) -