
Práctica 8 # Inmersión



In the 20th episode, we go to the movies. We go to see a movie of with numbered movie tickets session. It´s saturday and we´ll have to queue up. Four friends meet to go to the movies and they talk about how organize them self : schedule, tickets, to meet,... Now, in our Listening Practice 8, we can review all these situations around to meet, to go to the movies, take movie tickets, etc. in order you can automate a little these linguistics uses. In our 21th episode, Ana has to go shopping. She wants to buy a special dress for the occasion, not very formal, not very conventional, but she wants it nice and elegant. Ana goes shopping with her friend Laura, who always advices her very well and she helps her to choose adequately. Firstable they look at shop windows of fashion boutiques, later both come into and Ana tries on few dresses. Few dresses aren´t nice for her but another ones fit her.Finally she takes a black dress which fits her great and which is the one suits her .Now, in our 8th Practice Listening we