J Fabe

Showing Light: WWE Share Price Drop, Contracts Coming up, Plus Raw, Smackdown, NXT, AEW, NJPW, ROH News



WWE Share Price takes a massive drop the week before XFL kicks off! Rich and Jay discuss the exit of two Major behind the scenes Players in WWE.  AJ Styles Injury situation, who's facing who at wrestlemania? Raw and Smackdown recapped, Blood Money (Super Showdown) discussed, Ricochet VS Brock Confirmed. AEW Looking to introduce Inter gender Wrestling, plus Fallout from AEW Dynamite and NXT, a preview of this weeks shows, and we discuss the ratings.  Plus Marty Scurl, NJPW's title scene, Is British Wrestling the future of the WWE Product? What could happen when triple H takes over? Takeover early predictions, AEW Revolution early predictions,  Plus we catch up on all the intergalactic drama when two familiar voices from behind the rift ring the podcast.  Are the Broserweights the most easy to merchandise team heading into takeover? Will they beat the undisputed era? Will Charlotte go for Ripley?  Where the F*CK is tazz? We have him on the show to answer the question....twice! Plus what