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Utah House Rep Talks Intergenerational Poverty & Racial Bias - #plugintodevin



#plugintodevin Show - Devin Thorpe for Congress Guest: Elizabeth Weight Office Held: State Representative Office Sought: State Representative Issue: Fair, safe, and sustaining employment. I have had the opportunities for education and employment that provided income to support a household and also health and retirement benefits. What my security has done is give me a basis for comparison and realization of the precarious nature of jobs, not to mention benefits, for so many people in my House district as well as across the state. Also, as a woman and single household wage earner, I have experienced the impact of gender bias in employment as well as the seemingly chosen ignorance of policy makers about the economic as well as household impacts that working women must navigate. A common point of view is that people choose their employment paths by acquiring education and working toward career goals. My own parents succeeded with hard work and integrity. However, somewhat from my experience, but also from my obs