Health Uncovered With Cel Spellman

S1/E5 Mental health, are you OK?



How to tell if your mental health's poor.Everyone has mental health, and everyone's mental health is not always good. But what is normal and feels OK and what can be less normal and difficult to deal with? Our panel of young people from Herefordshire are speaking out frankly. They say that they have all experienced a mental health problem at one time or another. They also admitted to getting angry with people who can't eat a whole pie, confused by people who are happy all the time and worried on the days when they can't even be bothered to pour milk on their cornflakes.Do you talk about your mental wellbeing with your friends? And if not, should you? Cel has some health specialists advising us how to stay mentally healthy. And it sometimes starts with something simple, like asking a friend, "are you OK?" Recorded with the help of Herefordshire Council.Mentioned in this podcast: