Roker Rapport

ROKER RAPPORT PUBCAST: Reacting before & after Sunderland’s 3-0 win over Rochdale!



Ant was joined last night by George Dobson’s evil twin, also Alex (occasionally) and two of the Irish Black Cats - Gary and Shane - before and after the match to chat about the weather and give their thoughts on Parky’s bizarre insistence on sticking with a winning side, as well as to give their predictions and also their thoughts on the Ipswich match Saturday gone... then 90 or so minutes later returning to react to Sunderland’s winning performance against Rochdale, look at individual players, look ahead to the coming games and who of the new signings they’d like to see come through the ranks (and generally try find something to say about the second half).Featuring shivering, dancing, miming and all the usual.. Just coming at you a little later than expected. Enjoy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.