Cottage Garden Party

Episode 10 - A Lifelong Journey in Gardening and Gardening Smart!



#gardeningwhileaging is easier than ever with this wonderful book by Toni Gattone, The Lifelong Gardener - Garden With Ease & Joy At Any Age is a wonderful book written by Toni Gattonne ad published by Timber Press. Perfect for gifting or for use as a reference book to help us continue to enjoy gardening wisely as we age or have disabilities.  Check out the book review on my blog. Simply click the link above. This book offered so much content and advice, I just had to speak with Toni personally to find out what inspired her to write such a useful book. Like me, Toni is a member of GardenComm. As a garden communicator, she offered quite a few tales of how she still finds joy in her garden as she ages. Hailing from the Chicago area and now living on the West Coast, our time spent was simply delightful. You can find out more about Toni here. Follow me: Https:// and Twitter:@cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court If