Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 71 – No more Wob it’s Daddy now



Early recording this week again whilst at least one of us was stuck in traffic on the M6. Lucy seemed most concerned about Helen’s dowry and Kenton’s decline into a shop doorway-sleeping bum but was upset over the lack of entertainment at the party at the Stables as there was no family present. Roifield pointed out that Kenton has finally started to realise he is the architect of his own downfall with an incredibly accurate and believable representation of depression hitting an ebullient optimist although Yokelbear has no sympathy for Kenton. Dusty Substances feels that the entire programme has been undermined by personality changes and is thinking of stopping listening (don’t says Kosmo). Scarlett Sparrow is a tap dancing accountant and has a great voice. Lucy on a rural retreat was bothered by wasps, a biplane and dogs; the latter barking completely disrupted Roifield’s thought processes. Lucy’s mum had no camp coffee for Roifield who recounted his...  See acast.com/p