Dumteedum - A Show About The Bbc Show The Archers By Its Fans

Dum Tee Dum Episode 85 – Andrew Horn takes the Helm



Sponsorship this week from UrbanSprawl.org.uk and Barwick Green by Aunty Jean plus William the parrot who was upset at not being included last week. Andrew Horn was sitting in for Roifield, providing he did not do it as well as the man himself. Lucy nailed Ruth's stroppiness - pointing out that she has just dropped over 30 years and turned into a teenager. And Jenny's old kitchen has finally found a home in the village hall. How long has that story been maturing? Opinions on Lynda swing violently depending on the time of year. Much praise for Tony for standing up to Rob. We are reminded of some back stories this week - particularly Helen's illness when born and how she weak was then leading Pat to being particularly protective of her daughter and therefore siding with Rob over the danger of driving, bearing in mind the last accident involving Mike. Roifield was given a long task list, Andrew is on the Colombian free trade and he was joined by Lucy. Andrew also revealed the secret life of a... &nb