Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 29: Friday Five With Tracey Mallett



"We Make Our Own Future, We Make Our Own Fate" Tracey Mallett It was so fantastic to finally catch up with my fellow Brit Tracey Mallett. Even though we had been fitness friends for over two decades, we had never really sat down to discover how very similar our backgrounds were. Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week's conversation with the creator of Booty Barre, Tracey Mallett. How does social media impact your heart? Are you inspired and motivated or comparing and contrasting? How is your relationship with your diet and exercise? Are you at peace? Is there something you could change in your day-to-day choices or in the choices you make with the internal conversations you have, that would allow you to be kinder to yourself? Is there something that you excel at that can fill a gap in the hearts of those around you? Tracey talked about her niche filling a need. Perhaps your next step is already inside of you. What can you bring to the world to leave it a little better than when you entered?