Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 61: Friday Five With Mindy and Bruce Mylrea



"When You Know Your Why, The How Is Easier To Implement" Mindy and Bruce Mylrea Fill the cracks and the gaps. Mindy saw a need in fitness and then created a methodology to fill the need. There is a huge leap of faith that is taken when a person steps into the white powder, the snow or the path that has yet to be traveled. Is there a place where you see a need? Something yet to be created that could make the world a better place, help someone in need or fast track a persons way to success or potential? What would happen if you took your idea out into the world? If not now when? If not you – who? Making your mark and then make your money. Now I know it is not always possible to give up the income to pursue our passion. There are bills to be paid and this thing called life can be expensive – but if there is a passion burning inside of you, something that, while you may not make a living at it, you could make your mark? It is so important for us to be able to leave an impact, and if you are really lucky, maybe t