Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 68: Patricia Moreno On Falling In Love With Your Life



"Bring Real, Brave, Honest Kindness Into Your Life" Patricia Moreno I begin this episode by reflecting on how I first remember seeing Patricia. It was after a long bus ride to a mall in New Jersey to watch her compete in an aerobics competition. Fast forward to sitting across from my dear friend over two decades later for a heart opening conversation about, life, love and kindness. We talk about Patricia's highlight reel and her backstory. It was when Patricia was at her highest moment in her career that everything fell apart behind the scenes. A year into a national television show that she was hosting, Patricia was called in to a meeting with the management team and was confronted about her increasing weight that was magnified by being on camera. This low moment became a pivotal moment, and was the catalyst for her current work. “Thin at any cost” was Patricia’s mantra for many years and she was determined to move out of that mindset, and help thousands of women do the same. We talk about Patricia’s investi