Whole Guidance Podcast: Nutrition | Fitness | Happiness | Mindset | Ancestral Health | Holistic Wellness

WGP 015: Balancing the Two Forces of Yin and Yang



In this podcast I'll be exploring the Two Universal Forces of Yin and Yang: I'll explain the philosophy of Yin and Yang and the differences between them I'll talk about how imbalances in the forces of Yin and Yang affect your life Finally I'll share some tips on how you can better manage your Yin and Yang energies CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Yin and Yang are an ancient Chinese concept that describes the fundamental principles of the Universe. Yin and Yang are opposite yet complementary forces. They are two very distinct energies, but at the same time one cannot exist without the other and together they form a whole. Within Yin there is always the potential for Yang and within Yang the possibilities for Yin also exist. Life is an ever-changing process and the forces of Yin and Yang are always in a state of flow, constantly changing from one into the other. It is this interdependent relationship that gives rise to the experience of the universe. For example day would not exist