Real Estate Investor Huddle

Follow-up: A No Today Isn’t A No Tomorrow



Even though it’s been made glaringly clear to us through studies and stats that follow up is where the money is, many investors are doing it ineffectively or not doing it at all.    It’s never been more critical to double down on follow-up than it is right now. An uncertain and shifting market causes many changes in the minds of sellers, but there’s no way to leverage that without a follow-up system.    How do we interact with leads with the right mindset and understanding of seller psychology? How do we build in automated and low-cost follow-up while still doing our part to stay in touch? In this episode, I’m joined by my business partner Robert Syfert as we talk about why a no isn’t a final answer and we share tactics you can take massive action on right now in order to follow up more effectively.   Takeaways + Tactics  Market shifts create trends like panic selling or people moving up their timeline and deciding to sell sooner. This is where follow up is key.    Expect rejection as part of the process of s