Escape From Cubicle Nation Podcast

Learn how to build your personal brand



I will never forget reading Tom Peter's article The Brand Called You in Fast Company Magazine in August 1997.  Growth in Silicon Valley was sizzling hot, and the fresh perspective on personal marketing was totally new and exciting.25-year old Dan Schwabel felt the same thing when he read the article, although it was many years later, when he stumbled upon it on the internet.  According to Dan, it summed up what he had been doing in his own education and career since Junior High.  So he made the decision to become the personal branding expert for the new generation.Today, Dan releases his first book on the topic, called Me 2.0:  Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success.I interviewed him in a 23-minute podcast where we discuss:How to build your own personal brandCan you still build a strong personal brand if you are no longer a young whipper-snapper?How to maintain focus on brand building in a busy lifeHow to start small and grow your visibility in national and global markets We can all learn from Dan'