Fittech With Kay

FTWK 006 | Locker Room Nudist



Birthday Suit Shocker: Ya know that person that feels the need to be naked in the locker room. WTF? APP OF THE WEEK: This week’s app is called Couch to 5K. This is the easiest program to get beginners from couch potatoes to 5K distance runners. In 8 weeks you will be stronger and healthier. Alerts will tell you when to warm up, walk, run, halfway point and cooldown. Listen to your own music, easy interface, and compatible with Nike+, integrated with facebook/twitter, free iPad integration and you compatible with the MyFitnessPal App to track your calories. This app is completely free and compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It is also available for adroid phones. It is 26.2MB. FIT TECH TIP: 1. Be Realistic Make your goal attainable. If you want to lose 30lbs that’s a great goal to have, but make it realistic with setting small goals such as losing 5lbs at a time. Also instead of saying you will never eat your favorite food, give yourself one day to have a cheat meal. 2. Talk About It Don’t keep your