Bob & Sheri

Lamar reviews - The Stranger 4-24



  I am not a Netflix neophyte, but neither am I an expert. A lot of people watch seasons of TV shows on Netflix they have never seen. I watch so much network TV that I’ve seen all the shows that are on Netflix. And I’ve seen most of the movies. So Netflix wasn’t a big deal. Then they released House of Cards and that was a game changer. Now their original programming is driving the train and we are all on board. But, because I’m still big on network TV I haven’t seen all of Netflix’s shows but I’m working on it. A good friend of ours recommended The Stranger, and she was not wrong.       The Stranger is based on a novel by Harlen Coben that was originally set in New Jersey, but Netflix moved it to England because evidently British Mysteries are cooler. I don’t disagree, but along with that coolness comes that British accent, that makes everybody sound smarter, and what they are saying seem more important, but has its own set of problems. I can’t always understand what they are saying.        Two characters exc