Jojo's Bizarre Explainer

S05E28: Runt of the Butt Litter



In this episode we get very sad about Abbacchio, and so does the gang. Since we've already established that the afterlife involves you taking a semi-ironic job in relation to your mortal life, we use science to figure out Abbacchio's semi-ironic job. Once again, the mechanics of vampirism rear their head in the JoJo's universe in unexpected ways. We blatantly spoil the most famous plot detail from the 1997 PlayStation game Final Fantasy 7. And we ponder whether our podcast needs a Frog Death Minute, but it's really hard to find facts about frog deaths so we're definitely not going to do it. -- JoJo’s Bizarre Explainer JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! Either you love it, or you've never seen it. But what exactly is JoJo? Why is everyone talking about it? Why is it so great? Whether this is your first foray into Hirohiko Araki's decades-spanning masterpiece, or you're a seasoned JoJo Opinion Haver looking for more of your kind, JoJo's Bizarre Explainer is here for you! Hosted by Elizabeth Simins, Courtney Stanton