Pricing Is Positioning

070: The Self-Taught Entrepreneur With Darrell Vesterfelt



"Brands exist to serve people, that's why business’s exist in the first place.” -Darrell Vesterfelt.   This week I’m excited to have Darrell Vesterfelt on the show!  Darrell helps 6-figure entrepreneurs scale their revenue online. He is the founder of Good People Digital, an agency focused on creating powerful websites, fueled by world-class content, and he is the vice-president and managing partner of Copyblogger, one of the leading websites on Content Marketing.  Everything Darrell does is driven by his passion to help entrepreneurs grow businesses that they love, and make the money their content deserves.  On this episode, Darrell and I discuss that first big shift you need to make as a solopreneur, the mistakes you want to avoid and of course, how Darrell approaches pricing. Tune in for more!   On this episode we talk about: How Darrell pivoted to freelancing.  What mistakes to avoid with your personal brand. Dealing with imposter syndrome How Darrell approaches pricing!    FREE TRAINING: