Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD096: The Feedback Show



This show is all about you. I've gotten way more feedback than I can fit into future shows, so I've devoted this entire episode to getting your questions and comments answered. But just because there isn't any fresh and exciting new stuff from me doesn't mean that you can pass on this one. I've been known to goof when I answer these questions and I need you good folks to keep me in line. So snap-to and get ready to send in your corrections. The following links are referenced in the show: TD63: E-logs: Do They Really Increase Driving Time? TD58: How Much Is Too Much? TD91: Bungling the 34-Hour Rule TD90: The New Web Site Is Finally Here. Try Not to Pee Yourself. TD18: Eddie Rabbitt Was Right TD33: Automatic or Manual Truck Transmission? TD66: Truckers Go Turtle Racing TD95: 4 Reasons That Trucker Might Be Tailgating You TD94: Understanding the New Hours-of-Service (HOS) Rules TD88: You Can't See America from the Trucker's Lounge. A Guest Post by Kevin McKague TD54: Truckers Get Lost: The Do's and D